Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"What Causes Us to Decide That One Day - This Day - We Will Do Better?"

Miracles are everywhere... if we notice them. We are effected by them or not. We are motivated by them, or not. What causes us to wake up one morning and know that things will be different, that today we will indeed approach our goals. Expect the brush of life to meets your dreams, on a canvas of miracles. Why not? Why decide that dreams being met, are for other people?

"What Causes Us to Decide That One Day - This Day - We Will Do Better?"

What changes us?

What makes us decide one day
that this day
we will do better?

This day
we will meet our goals.
This day
we will smile on everything
as if we were seeing it for the first time.
This day
we will take time out
for our own selves.
This day
we will climb that emotional mountain
that seemed inconceivable
This day
we will do what we had only hoped
we would do the day before.

This day we will FLY.

Within this very second
we will find what was missing
caused us to hesitate
one breath before.

We miss the serendipity of life
We plan
and fret
and spin our wheels.

Sometimes we miss
that our dreams are being fulfilled
right in front of us
and we walk past them.

We work hard to meet our goals
but fall short of noticing
that 'spectacular'
is within reach
and oft times all around us.

Why not I accept spectacular things happening?
Why not?
Why not see excellence?
It truly is all around us.

Within every morning there is a sunrise
and the evening brings the colors
of a well spent day of a sunset.
The moon is right there in its place
blessed by a zillion stars.

Stars shine and twinkle
within the very same galaxy
stars turn in opposite directions
as if to secure their individuality.

Looking onto a landscape
off in the distance
mountains take on a purple hue.
Trees and plants awaken with the change of season.
Rivers move toward the ocean
wildlife is as healthy as we care to make it.
What an opportunity.

Expect the brush of life
to meets your dreams on canvas of miracles.
Why not?
Why decide that dreams being met
are for other people?
Mentors come into our lives
to show us the way.
We stretch our minds and hearts
or not.

Today can be a spectacular
as YOU want it to be,
simply by noticing
and listening to your heart.

by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
22 April 2009

"Euphoria" 36x48 oil on canvas by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen.

If you are interested in the original contact Monkdogz Urban Art

Prints of this image are available through

It is also on Amazon.. but you would have to look that one up... smile.