Thursday, August 2, 2007

Words That End With the Letter Q


Words that end with the letter Q?

There are no words that end with the letter Q

You.. silly QUasimoto!

I need them for Scrapple as well

but alas

checking under every cover

every avenue to discovery

my dictionary

my google friend

no, no, no!

A Q cannot be the end.

Q is not a lonely letter

It loves to cuddle with a U

it finds one every chance it gets

no regrets

and wakes up in the morning

still cozy

next to its loyal lover.

So no lamenting for this letter Q

YOU.. silly QUasimoto.

And by the way

speaking of Q's

a cue to you

what is a QUasimoto

today on the scene?

Not a hunchback character

It's urban talk you see

an alter ego

of a high pitched rapper

spaced out

on stoned beats

singing in the streets.

Ahh me

it is all as silly as it can be

the Q in QUasimoto

lending me reason

if not a rhyme in time

selected from my imagination.

Sitting at my station

waiting for my Q to bring

not a single thing

but a U

'cause its a wonderful thing

to sing

of all the virtues U does bring

to a Q

in this dream.

I now seem to know it quite well

by my expression here

becoming QUite clear

in this QUriky poem

that sings alone for Q.

I have never met a U

that I did not find intriguing.

Yet I confess

I have often grown weary of them.

U, Ewe, You

must the subject always be so one sided?

I find myself saying

QUit it U

enough of YOU!

...and by the way

what ever happened to your oft seen companion

that dear sweet letter Q?

Yes, try to remember Q.

Humm U?

Does Q tire of your self absorbed conversations?


Sadly for Q it is true U

You do not need Q!

I see you

roaming about without Q

all the time!

But just remember U

you DO indeed need Q

to say,

"You silly QUasimoto."

So back to my travail

the Q that must always have a tail.

It alas is understood

Q never stands alone.

No matter how you've grown

you will always find a home

with other friends

that help you or ewe or U

to end this silly QUasimoto story.

You Q

will always finds a special glory

in a QUasimoto story

who will always see the value

in a U

a U that must be humbled

because it needs you, Q!

Words that end with the letter Q?

NO.. they simply don't exist!

Well...maybe just a few.

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen


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